marți, 26 mai 2015

Bats Hunting Prey Technique

       The basic tool for hunting is the echolocation, because they are blind. Echolocation is the use of sound wave and echoes to determine where objects are in space.
Bats have adapted very large ears to gather and process as much sound data as possible. It is very similar to the sonar utilized by dolphins and wales. Insects flying at night are nearly invisible to vision-orientated predators and can be seen only   by using echolocation.

While echolocation paints a very clear picture of a bat’s surroundings, there are some disadvantages to echolocation. Bats have to continually vocalize to be able to create and  hear echoes off their surroundings, and bats cannot listen for an echo while vocalizing.
        When the sound waves produced by these sounds hit an insect or other animal, the echoes bounce back to the bat, and guide them to the source.
            It is amazing that they can catch anything at all.

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